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Portal Database

This Database is used for CyVerse User portal Service.

Initialize database

Access Database

psql -U postgres

Create required Database and User

See also portal2/setup-database

# create user
create user portal_db_reader with password '********';

# create portal database with the owner portal_db_reader
create database portal with owner portal_db_reader;

## Grant user to member of postgres
# psql -U postgres
GRANT postgres TO portal_db_reader;

Restore from dump

For this we have to download portal.sql file.

# restore to user portal_db_reader and database portal
psql -U portal_db_reader -d portal -f portal.sql

Populate Database

make sure session Table exist

CREATE TABLE public.session (
    sid character varying NOT NULL,
    sess json NOT NULL,
    expire timestamp(6) without time zone NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.session OWNER TO portal;
CREATE INDEX "IDX_session_expire" ON public.session USING btree (expire);

Import GRID institutions

download required grid file

Official website

# download grid

# unzip
unzip 30895309
import to the database

For imorting this grid file we will use the script from portal2/scripts/

./ --host --user portal_db_reader --database portal grid.csv

Populate these Tables

These sql files can be found here.

psql -U portal_db_reader -d portal -f ./account_country.sql
psql -U portal_db_reader -d portal -f ./account_region.sql
psql -U portal_db_reader -d portal -f ./account_gender.sql
psql -U portal_db_reader -d portal -f ./account_occupation.sql
psql -U portal_db_reader -d portal -f ./account_ethnicity.sql
psql -U portal_db_reader -d portal -f ./account_fundingagency.sql
psql -U portal_db_reader -d portal -f ./account_awarechannel.sql
psql -U portal_db_reader -d portal -f ./account_researcharea.sql


Give Admin privilege to a user

--update is_superuser
UPDATE account_user SET is_superuser = true WHERE username='USERNAME';

---update is_staff 
UPDATE account_user SET is_staff = true WHERE username='USERNAME';

Verify User email

-- check if its verified
select has_verified_email from account_user where username='USERNAME';

--Verify email
UPDATE account_user SET has_verified_email = true WHERE username='USERNAME';

Insert Services

by default the table api_service will be empty, in order to add a new service, we will to INSERT INTO the database.

For this we need to add first the api_servicemaintainer column, and then api_service - as an example we will be adding a DE(Discovery environment) service.

-- check the tables content
select * from api_servicemaintainer;
select * from api_service;

-- First Insert into api_servicemaintainer
-- save the id of this record - which we will use in the next step
INSERT INTO api_servicemaintainer (name, website_url, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('CyVerse', '', now(), now());

-- Second Insert into api_service
INSERT INTO api_service (name, description, about, service_url, is_public, icon_url, created_at, updated_at, service_maintainer_id, approval_key, subtitle) VALUES ('Discovery Environment', 'Use hundreds of bioinformatics apps and manage data in the CyVerse Data Store from a simple web interface', 'By providing a consistent user interface for access to the tools and computing resources needed for specialized scientific analyses, the Discovery Environment facilitates data exploration and scientific discovery.\r', '', true, '', now(), now(), 3, 'DISCOVERY_ENVIRONMENT', '');

Insert Restricted Username (PENDING)

INSERT INTO account_restrictedusername (username, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('username', now(), now());

Migrate Database