Redis HA¶
In this Document we will cover installing the Redis Server and Redis Haproxy, due to the k8s-resources
configurations both would be installed and configured inside the prod namespace.
Make sure to create a values.yaml and replace add your credentials:
values.yaml Overrides the PersistentVolume, adds secrets and uses openebs as storage class.
## replicas number for each component
replicas: 3
enabled: true
## redis-ha data Persistent Volume Storage Class
## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass>
## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is
## set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on
## GKE, AWS & OpenStack)
storageClass: openebs-hostpath
## Sentinel specific configuration options
auth: true
authkey: <AUTH-KEY>
password: <PASSWORD>
## Redis specific configuration options
auth: true
authkey: <AUTH-KEY>
redisPassword: <PASSWORD>
Redis Server & Sentinel¶
# add helm repo
helm repo add dandydev
helm repo update
## deploy redis servers for prod env
helm upgrade --install --namespace prod redis-ha dandydev/redis-ha --values values.yaml
## deploy redis server for discover env
# helm upgrade --install --namespace discover redis-ha dandydev/redis-ha --values values.yaml
Redis Haproxy¶
- Make sure to load the configs/secrets see also k8s-resources
Deploy redis-haproxy¶
## deploy for prod env
kubectl apply -n prod -f resources/deployments/redis-haproxy.yml
## deploy for discover env
# kubectl apply -n discover -f resources/deployments/redis-haproxy.yml