Post-Deployment Steps¶
1. Post-Deployment iRODS¶
Create iRODS Account for de-irods
To create the user de-irods
and set the password:
iadmin mkuser de-irods rodsadmin
iadmin moduser de-irods password DE_USER_PASSWORD
Add de-irods to the rodsadmin Group¶
Add the user de-irods to the rodsadmin group:
iadmin atg rodsadmin de-irods
Grant Ownership of /TUG/home/shared to rodsadmin¶
Ensure that rodsadmin owns the specified directory:
ichmod own rodsadmin /TUG/home/shared
Create iRODS Account for portal¶
To create the user portal and set the password:
iadmin mkuser portal rodsadmin
iadmin moduser portal password PORTAL_PASSWORD
Add portal to the rodsadmin Group¶
Add the portal user to the rodsadmin group:
iadmin atg rodsadmin portal
Grant Read Access to Public¶
Grant public read access to the home and shared directories:
ichmod read public /TUG/home
ichmod read public /TUG/home/shared
2. Grant icat_reader
Database Permissions¶
To grant the icat_reader
user the necessary database permissions, run the following SQL command:
--- \c ICAT
3. Add User to Admin Group (LDAP)¶
Follow these steps to add an existing user to the de-admins group in LDAP.
Step 1: Create a LDIF File to Add the User¶
Create an LDIF file named add-de_admins.ldif
to add a user to the de-admins
LDAP group. Replace YOUR_USER_NAME
with the actual username of the user you want to add.
dn: cn=de_admins,ou=Groups,dc=tugraz,dc=at
changetype: modify
add: memberuid
memberuid: YOUR_USER_NAME
Step 2: Run the LDAP Modify Command¶
Run the following command to apply the changes and add the user to the LDAP group:
read -s PASSWORD && export PASSWORD
ldapmodify -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=tugraz,dc=at" -w $PASSWORD -f add-de_admins.ldif